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Multiphase Group Meeting Battery Group Meeting First-Year Group Meeting
starting on starting on starting on
April 3rd, 2025​ March 27th, 2025 March 27th, 2025
2:00-5:00 PM 2:00-5:00 PM 4:00-5:00 PM
Every Other Week Every Other Week Weekly
WTHR234 WTHR234 WTHR 231
Dear Explorers,
I want to welcome you to our group page! We are chemists who are interested in the applications of electrochemistry to nanotechnology and complex biological and environmental systems. We are passionate about many things, including the creative pursuit of new knowledge (what I like to fondly call research), educating all knowledge seekers, ages 1-120, discovering new truths of nature, and using new knowledge to the benefit of humankind. Feel free to peruse the website and reach out if you have any questions.
We are always looking for new talent to join the laboratory and collaborate with our team of multidisciplinary researchers. Please e-mail me directly with inquiries. We look forward to hearing from you!
Warm Wishes and Happy Trails,
Jeffrey E. Dick, Ph.D
Associate Professor
Purdue University